We wish you a Happy Solstice, with a colour-full covid-free summer if you are in Aotearoa or the Pacific… …and if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, or in a Covid-infected area, and dealing with lockdowns and deaths, please take care, and know that we are sending our love to you, with our hopes […]
Stuff, and Ihumatao…

Congratulations to NZ Stuff Media for their courage in taking responsibility for their long history of institutional racism, and making a commitment to change. This is the first time a major media group has acknowledged its bias, with examples, and taken responsibility for the change that is needed – throughout almost all media and other […]
ELECTIONS: Aotearoa and DSA

Aotearoa In the final tally, Labour won a clear 50% of seats (i.e.60 of the 120). National lost a further two seats so now has only 33 on the final tally. As we hoped, the Maori Party now has two MPs, Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer (one electorate seat and one list MP). […]
Elections 2020 in Aotearoa
Reflections on Westminster-style democracy..
Our government structures are based on those of England, unsurprisingly. Early settlers from England, Scotland and Ireland assumed their right to install the systems of government they were used to. After the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, they flooded the country with immigrants (historian James Belich describes the settlement process as a […]
1.Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori: The Māori Language Moment

This month’s most creative event in Aotearoa was undoubtedly Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori: This year,Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori , the Māori Language Commission, decided to celebrate Māori language Week in a new way because of Covid-imposed limitations. Their goal was to encourage one million New Zealanders to sign up to […]
3. Keeping in touch..

Over the last few years we two have developed some favourite activities to help us understand our changing country: an hour or two each morning listening to Dale Husband on Radio Waatea (603 AM)- his news and interviews from 7.15am onwards include a wide range of Māori contributors. Dale is always thoughtful, courteous and informative, […]
5. Reflections on Institutional Racism

While we celebrate the progress being made in reclaiming te reo Māori, and the many exciting Māori projects which are enriching us all, we are also deeply concerned about the depth of institutional racism which undermines justice and equality in Aotearoa. The most recent public challenge to institutional racism has come from senior and […]