
In the midst of our house sorting and packing process, Tanya woke up one morning with a dream of escaping to the Chatham Islands for Christmas. After a little research, she found that although there were no touism activities over Christmas, there were two places left on a small group “Forget-Me-Not” tour for a week […]

Welcome back, Lema!

Lema Shamamba: educator and  film-maker We have mentioned Lema Shamamba and her family before in our newsletter- they are good friends of ours – and Lema has become a community leader in Ranui, with support from Ranui Action Project staff.  Lema decided this year to return to the DR Congo to visit her family, whom […]

Congratulations, Rock and Ryan!

  It’s been a while since we’ve had an all-day festival for lesbians, especially one focused  on issues like lesbian visibility and social justice.  So we were delighted to take a day off on Saturday 4 November,  at Toi Tu in Ponsonby, for the Auckland Lesbian Festival 2017, organised by Cissy Rock and Violet Ryan, […]

Sarah Sophia Stothard

Charmaine hasn’t had her photo taken in a graveyard before, but this was a special occasion – we were celebrating the unveiling of a headstone for a woman who died one hundred and sixteen years ago. Gillian Dance, a former chairperson of the Parent-Teachers’ Association at Auckland Girls’ Grammar School during Charmaine’s time as principal […]

Women and Politics: Reflections on Women’s Suffrage Day

We are lucky to belong to a nation where women not only have the right to move around freely and speak up in public, but also to be elected to  Parliament  and to become Prime Ministers. One hundred and twenty-four years ago , on 19 September  1893,  women gained the right to vote in New […]

Election 2017

What an extraordinary election campaign we are experiencing here in Aotearoa! For those living outside Aotearoa, a summary of some key events: We’ve lost two party leaders – Andrew Little from Labour, who resigned with dignity to allow his deputy, Jacinda Adern, to become leader; and Meteria Turei, from the Greens, whose attempts to draw […]

Kahurangi Nganeko Kaihau Minhinnick

On Thursday 15 June 2017 Aotearoa lost one of its greatest environmental advocates,  Kahurangi Nganeko Kaihau Minhinnick, of Ngaati Te Ata – Waiohua.  From the age of eleven, Nganeko Kaihau was expected to undertake legal and environmental issues for her iwi, Ngaati Te Ata, because she was the most fluent English-speaker in her whanau. With […]

about us…

Kia ora koutou, We’ve had a break from writing newsletters since November 2016, and feel it’s time to start again.  Not necessarily every month, though! From Tanya… Kia ora koutou…It’s now two months since my left hip joint was successfully replaced, so I’m back to swimming, and biking to strengthen muscles.  I made good use of […]