We are filled with gratitude that we are still both alive, loving and supporting each other, mostly in good health, and able to enjoy life in this amazing country, Aotearoa. We specially appreciate the tree-bordered streets and parks of Grey Lynn, the easy access to interesting cultural activities and eating places , the […]
5. …and what of the future?
2. The Media…

On 8 March, on Maori Television, Moana Maniapoto devoted her whole programme (Te Ao with Moana) to interviews with 12 Maori women on the subject, ” Speaking rights on the Marae”. There were many different views about women speaking on the marae. Acknowledgements were given to the late Whaia McClutchie, Merata Mita and Eva Rickard. […]
3. Other Women’s Events This Month.

ALBA – an Octagenarian cyclist ALBA, the Auckland Lesbian Business Association, had as its guest speaker on Wednesday 10th March a very special woman – Jill Lundmark, who has, for the last 13 years, until Covid Lockdowns stopped her, taken her bicycle and gone overseas for 3 months of every year, exploring new places each […]
5. Poroporoaki for Ama
We heard this week that Māori activist Miriama Rauhihi Ness, known to many friends as Ama, had died , a month after becoming ill at Waitangi. She was farewelled by a packed congregation of Māori, Pasifika and Pākehā friends and supporters at Tipene Funerals on Wednesday 17 March in the evening, and by family at […]
Wrangling with Racism

Although many Pakeha people in Aotearoa have become more aware of the racism we’ve inherited and continue to perpetuate, and more inclined to call it out, we still have a long way to go. A few recent examples- and the reactions to them: Racism in Parliament: Trevor Mallard, speaker of the House, made a blunder […]
Being at home…

Charmaine had no wish to ride a bicycle for three days in the mountains, and decided to stay home and get her mind in order. (“Mind has mountains, cliffs of fall” wrote poet Gerard Manley Hopkins- and she had definitely been feeling anxious about bike-riding, and in need for some sustained quiet time to re-order […]
Trumped! Now Biden- Our Time…

The last four years have made the USA feel like a foreign country, to us – our wonderful ex-wwoofing friends have been stuck in an alien land run by a psychopath, egging on the sad and the bad to acts of intimidation and violence, and destroying many of the bonds of friendship and solidarity […]