2. Unexpected Good News!

Selwyn Village staff have offered us free temporary accommodation in  the Village because of their having to postpone the completion and moving-in date for new apartments until late January 2022.

We have chosen a small free-standing cottage in the grounds of the Village: 15 Bambury Close, Point Chevalier,  not far from the coastal walkway.  It is a relief to know we have a stable base for the next two months, as we were a bit anxious about moving from place to place.  We acknowledge the manākitanga  of the Selwyn Foundation in offering us this possibility.


  1. I’m so glad for you! It’s beautiful land there at Selwyn! Aroha nui ki a korua

  2. Itsuko + Takashi Kakemizu says

    I’m so glad for you, too!!

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