Christchurch Whanau

Cumbos with Carter Whanau

Before starting our cycling adventure in the South Island, Garth and I spent two days in Christchurch.

Our first date was with our cousin Philip Carter, who took us on a guided tour on electric scooters (an exciting first for Garth and me!) of the new city developments in Christchurch.  Philip is one of the significant designers/developers of the new city landscape, so it was interesting to see the city vision through his eyes.

Our second date was a barbecue on the Teddington  Farm of David (Philip’s brother) and wife Heather Carter.  We all enjoyed reminding ourselves of shared experiences over 70 years, and catching up on recent activities and passions. 

It was especially interesting for me to talk with the dynamic young women of the next Carter generation, all working on challenging and diverse projects here and abroad.

Our gratitude to the Carter clan for their hospitality to the Cumbo clan!

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