We hope everyone in Aotearoa will be enjoying some Matariki events and festivities…
(and midsummer greetings to our northern hemisphere friends and family!)
Arohanui, Tanya and Charmaine
Tanya and Charmaine @ Earthsong
We hope everyone in Aotearoa will be enjoying some Matariki events and festivities…
(and midsummer greetings to our northern hemisphere friends and family!)
Arohanui, Tanya and Charmaine
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Dearest Tanya & Charmaine, and earthtalk Community,
I read today about your participation in the Pakeha Hikoi for Peace walk in New Plymouth this morning, after I was part of the annual 5K Peace Trot at Cornell University Arboretum in Ithaca, NY yesterday. It not only reminds me that across the planet we are engaged in the same peace and social justice fights, it underlines how our common humanity and community is the glue that holds us together… and certainly not global capitalism! The race t-shirts read “Let Love Disarm Us All.”
In May I spent 3 weeks in Palestine, part of the time doing farm work and commemorating a Palestinian family’s 100 years on their land near Bethlehem. The organic farm also supports educational programming for creative non-violent resistance, under the name Tent of Nations. For the first time, I blogged! You can read about my experiences and impressions at the Nasser Family Farm/Tent of Nations at: http://fotonna.org/updates-2/come-and-stand-in-solidarity/
Lovely to watch the slide show and to see how you both continue to learn, thrive and do good work in Aotearoa! My job of 8 years at Syracuse University will end this month and I am eager to figure out what I will do and where I will go next! I have been applying for jobs in Central New York State, the Middle East, and Aotearoa! I will keep you updated… and I never forget.all that I learned from you about organics and environmental sustainability, education, social justice, friendship, and love.