Nicky McFall-Hastings has lit up the trees in Aotea Square to make the Festival Garden for the Auckland Arts Festival. Tanya marvels at the work involved in making Pasifika lei and weaving them around the trunks and branches…
…and many women have knitted or crocheted woollen squares to clothe the trunk of a giant pohutukawa outside Te Pataka Korero o Te Hau Kapua (the new Devonport Library). Ellie Cumberland – Tanya’s great-niece – finds them fascinating… Our own Earthsong resident, Chris Free, has also been one of a group of women knitters, commissioned to clothe a pohutukawa at Hobsonville Point, one of the new Auckland housing areas to the north-west of the CBD: see this video clip to catch a glimpse of the process: (you don’t need to be on Facebook yourself to see it). Graffiti knitters are warming our nation with biodegradable and soul-cheering peggy-squares.
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